Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We all stayed in our home during the hurricane. We had some friends stay with us and we pretty much stayed up the whole night. It was really loud! At times I think that the roof was lifting up off the house. We went outside on the porch during the early part of the storm. With all that went on that night, the kids slept thru it.
We came out pretty well, the fence is down, lots of shingles are gone and many tree limbs gone. No leaks and our house is intact. Our awesome neighbors let us use their generator so we didn't even lose our food.
The kids are now having a blast with the neighborhood kids. They have started an acorn collecting club. They said that they are glad we don't have electricity.
No house sell as of today. Maybe with all the house loss in the area, someone will need a new one.
We are still a go for commissioning in November. Please continue to pray for the sell of our house and for the many people who have lost their homes or loved ones during the storm.