Friday, October 30, 2009

We are now connected

After 2 long months, we finally have internet! We are so glad to be able to talk to friends and family again.
We had a group of ten friends from our home church, Calvary Baptist in Beaumont, TX come to visit us for a week. We had a great time laughing and catching up with everyone. We went out every morning in the villages and did Bible stories and at night we were back in villages or at the river sharing God's word. The best part of the trip was being able to sit and visit with good friends again and not having to play charades to let them know what we were saying. Shannon and I have been struggling with some issues the last few weeks and it was great to have friends to share and pray with over these issues.
Here are a few pictures of our recent visitors. Here is a list of prayer requests: home school for Benton, language learning, rain, isolation issues, God's wisdom on what or how to deal with the constant begging that is in front of us all day long. Thank you, we love and miss you all!
Picture one is of the Calvary team, Picture two is a 7 foot cobra killed in our back yard, and the last picture is of a 12 foot python killed by the locals near our compound.


Julia and Cody said...

WOW! I cannot believe how big those snakes. My mom was telling me the funny story about them chasing a snake... That is just nuts that they are so huge!

Marlene said...

I know you loved having the friends from Calvary there! I'll definitely be praying for y'all about schooling, isolation etc...give Walker a hug for me! Everytime I look at the blog I just wish I could reach in there and hug him! Love y'all!

Unknown said...

Carrie, I met your parents the other day. How sweet are they! I know ya'll are counting down the days til the visit. I'll pass these requests onto NFCC. Know there are so many people out there who are praying for all of ya'll - and you've never even met them! Shannon, I know your birthday is soon. Know we are sending some early wishes.

Carla said...

Hey Carrie! I'm praying James 1:5 for you & your family - "But if an yof you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reperoach, and it will be give to him." You guys are doing a great thing for the Lord! Keep up the good job!

Steven Hays said...

We are making tracks to get back as quick as we can!